The Institute has established two ‘Academic Chairs’ in the name of two outstanding personalities who have contributed significantly for the development of Indian society.
Malcolm S. Adiseshia
This Chair was created in the name of Prof. Malcolm S. Adiseshiah who was the Chairman of the Institute of Social Sciences from 1992 to 1994. It has been funded by the Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust, Chennai.
Professor Kamal Nayan Kabra, a renowned economist, is currently holding the chair.
S. K. Dey
The Institute has established the S. K. Dey Chair in Local Government. This is being done as a tribute to S.K. Dey, India’s Minister of Community Development in Nehru’s Cabinet and the first leader in Independent India who brought to the fore the community development, panchayati raj and sahakari samaj. In recognition of the Institute’s pioneering work in research and promotion of democratic decentralisation (Panchayati Raj) in India, the Ford Foundation, Mrs. Purabi Pandey (daughter of S.K. Dey) and Mrs. Barouta Malhotra contributed to the establishment of the Chair.
Prof. Balveer Arora is the current incumbent of the S.K. Dey Chair in Local Government, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi
Presently Malcolm S. Adisheshiah Chair Professor, Economics of Development and Decentralized Planning, Institute of Social Sciences, formerly Professor of Economics at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi . Taught Economics at Ramjas College Delhi University. Was the first Nehru Memorial Trust U.K. Scholar at the University of Cambridge (1966-67). Aluminus of Jawahar High School (Rajputana University, Patna College (Patna University) for the B.A. Honours , Economics, and Delhi School of Economics(Delhi University) both for the masters and Ph.D.
As a political economist and publicist engaged over the last five decades in research, teaching, consultancy and writings on current socio-economic affairs. Has published many research studies concerning diverse fields of economic policies, planning, development and political economy, both for India and the third world. Studied some aspects of the development experience of Japan and South Korea on a UNDP fellowship at the Institute of Developing Economies (Tokyo) and the Seoul National University respectively. Also made a study of the Chinese experience of Town and village Enterprises (TVEs) under the ICSSR exchange programme at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing). Was a part of the International Visitors Programme of the USA. Has been a UGC visiting Professor at some Indian Universities.
Professor Kabra was chairperson of the Committee to Review the working of the Forward Markets and the Expert Committee on the Economics of Tobacco. Has been associated with some working groups of the Planning Commission set up in the course of formulating the five Year Plans and also a member of the Evaluation Advisory Committee. Was a Director of the Food Corporation of India and also a member of the Punjab State Planning Board.
Contributed papers to many research Journals in India and abroad, besides regular writing and participation in the media, both print and audio-visual. Among his several publications, mention may be made of The Political Economy of Brain Drain; Black Economy in India: Problem and Policies; Black economy and Mal-development, Planning Process in a District; Development Planning in India: Exploring an Alternative Approach; Political Economy of Policy Options: Nationalizations in India. 1947-1980 (two volumes);Dependence and Dominance: Political Economy of a Tribal Commodity; Developing an Urban Fringe; High Growth, Rising Inequalities, Worsening Poverty: India’s ‘Development’ Experience; Political Economy of Public Distribution of Food in India and some co-authored book and chapters in many edited volumes on diverse themes. Delivered Special invited Endowment and memorial Lectures in many institutions.
Also writes regularly in Hindi in various journals, magazines and newspapers on the political economy of development, public polices and globalization, public policies, including an award -winning book on Sarvajanik Vitaran Vyavastha by GOI. Overall seven books in Hindi have been published and some more are in the process of publication. Featured in India’s Who is Who Coordinating an annual group exercise under the auspices of the Indian Political Economy Association. Its 17 issues so far under the title Alternative Economic Survey have been published and some issues have also been brought out in Hindi. Has been the guest editor of some magazines on specific themes. Lives in Delhi with his wife. Has a son and a daughter and two grand sons. Ancestral place is Kuchaman City, Rajasthan.
Professor Balveer Arora is Founder-Chairman of the Centre for Multilevel Federalism at the Institute of Social Sciences.